
Enviro School

Karangahake School is an Enviroschool. During the year we implement a  programme that supports children and young people to plan, design and implement sustainability actions. The programme includes: student-directed process of exploration, decision making, action and reflection. 

Students will help with maintaining a sustainable community garden where produce can be utilised either at school or within our community. They will have opportunities to explore our local environment, learn more about our local environment and study how our decisions and the decisions of others can affect our wonderful and unique environment. The values of caring for yourself, caring for others and caring for the environment, are woven throughout all aspects of schools life.


Each of the classes learn some Te reo. This will range from greetings and everyday items, to morning /afternoon/kai karakia, commonly used sayings that are appropriate to use in a school environment, and some waiata. 

Karangahake School is in the process of establishing a closer relationship with our local Iwi and Marae. As this progresses students will have more opportunities to learn different waiata, local histories, cultural protocols, arts and crafts.

Digital / Technology

Karangahake School is pleased to be able to supply a digital device for each student from year 2 who attend our school. This device stays at school as it is the property of our school. Upon enrolment each student is set up with a login email address along with a chromebook (BYOD is also acceptable). Digital devices are not only used to help create digital fluency (developing the ability to competently use a variety of programmes to produce or present their work) but students will also develop an understanding of computer science principles that underlie all digital technologies. They’ll learn core programming concepts so that they can become creators of digital technology, not just users.

Technology is not just about digital devices. During the year all students will have opportunities to be involved in more traditional forms - arts and crafts, small building projects, cooking etc. Not just doing these activities but also developing an understanding by asking questions of the 'How' and 'Why'.

Our Year 7 & 8 student go to Paeroa College every Thursday from 9-11am for a variety of other technologies - hard materials, soft materials, food, design, coding, and others.

We believe devices play a part of students education and future but it is not considered to be the only form to use. We believe our students must also be fluent writers by hand as well.

Education Outside the Classroom

Karangahake School's EOTC programme (Education Outside the Classroom) involves using, understanding, and looking after our local environment, developing basic bush skills, a variety of participation sports, specific day trips, and camps. 

Maunga class (Year 6-8) have a 4-5 day camp each year in Term 3 or 4. There is a rotation of venues or themes. These are:

Pirongia - outdoor adventure & recreation

Aongatete - Bush

Wellington - Inner city & NZ (Parliament, Te Papa, other educational activities)

Generally during the week that Maunga class is away, Awa and Ngahere classes will have one or two day trips which usually relate to recent learning within the classes.

More to come...